Micro Gravity Planter with Recipes
Space Craft Propulsion
Space Manufacturing
Quantum Fusion - Engine
Purser's Shop
Initial and Relaxed State
Relaxed State
Cosmic Radiation Protection
Prime Ends Resolution
PQa LMM Compile Time
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Fusion
Fusion Energy Levels/4D Elliptic Choice
Meta Prog/Pre-Pressure Accumulator
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C++ Vector CoPrime inc Prime Range- suitable for Compile time PQa LMM
C++ PQa. Run Time
C++ "Right-Left-Binary"(Bits) for 'H.Cohens' Prime Number Algorithms (PQa LMM)
C++ "Binary Kronecker" for 'H.Cohen' Prime Number Algorithms (PQa LMM)
C++ Step 1 of H.Cohens "Shank" Algorithm for "Z"
C++ Extended Euclidean Recursive
C++ Extended Euclidean Iterative (H.Cohen)
C++ Prime Factor Base1 Vector and Iterator
C++ Congruence of Squares 1(mod 8)
C++ Dixon Factoriser (5 Step)
C++ Cohen's "Trial division"
C++ 'H.Cohen's' "Cornacchia" Algorithm
C++ MIT 'type', "Cornacchia" Algorithm
Dixon 5 Step Factorizer
Compiler Checker